Seasonal Ingredients Guide: Spring Seasonal Fruits

Seasonal Ingredients Guide: Spring Seasonal Fruits

Did you know that only one in 10 Americans get enough fruits and vegetables in their diets, according to the Center for Disease Control? A great way to get more fruit in your diet is by eating produce that is in season because fresh fruit has more flavor.

Would you like to learn more about spring seasonal fruits? Here are some of the best spring fruits in season:

  • Pineapple
  • Strawberry
  • Mango
  • Lemon 
  • Cherry



When buying produce during the spring season, pineapple can be a great option for baked goods, putting it into smoothies, or simply eating fresh in a fruit kebab. You can even grill it and put it on top of savory foods, such as burgers.

Pineapples are both sweet and tangy and have an impressive nutritional profile. They are rich in manganese and Vitamin C, and also contain many antioxidants that can help the body fight off disease.

One of the most popular recipes to make with pineapple is the classic pineapple upside-down cake. This delicious bake includes pineapple rings, maraschino cherries, and brown sugar to give it a unique and delectable flavor. It is also relatively easy to make for all ages.

If you want to break away from the traditional pineapple upside-down cake, pineapple has a lot of potential in other forms of baking. Try your hand at a pineapple meringue pie for a unique dessert, or whip up a batch of pineapple muffins as a breakfast treat.


Nothing says spring like fresh, luscious strawberries. Spring is the start of strawberry season. They are juicy and delicious to eat when fresh and seem to always be a great buy at the Farmers Market. Strawberries also contain a large amount of fiber. Fiber has been shown to improve digestive health and keep you full for a longer amount of time.

Strawberries tend to be a favorite fruit and can be enjoyed cut up, in smoothies and shakes, or in a variety of baked goods. Strawberries are considered one of the best fruits for baking because of their distinct flavor and versatility.

Dip your strawberries in any type of chocolate to make a sweet gift for a friend. You can even take them to the next level and enjoy strawberries with chocolate fondue at your next function.

For a birthday party, family celebration, or any other occasion, try your hand at baking a strawberry shortcake. If you are really a strawberry lover, a simple strawberry pie might do the trick. Strawberries are a popular flavor that will never fail to impress at gatherings.


Mangoes are one of the most delectable fruits that you see when buying produce. They come in a variety of types, and there are several available at peak freshness in season produce for spring. They are also usually available year-round due to staggered growing seasons.

The United States alone has dozens of types of mangoes. The color and texture of the mango skin are a good indicator of ripeness. If a mango has firm skin, then the fruit within will be more fibrous, while a soft-skinned fruit is easier to cut up and eat right off the skin.

One of the nutritional benefits of the mango is that it is incredibly rich in Vitamin C. It also contains a good portion of your daily fiber requirements, as well as a variety of vitamin including Vitamin A and Vitamin B6. This makes them a hugely nutritional fruit for only a few calories.

Mangoes can also be a good candidate for baking with fruit. A mango tart is a simple treat to make for a hot summer day, which you can also bake gluten-free. You can also create a fresh idea and mix your citrus by making lemon mango bars, or even use your mangoes as a cheesecake filling.


Perhaps the most well-known citrus fruit, the lemon, is especially versatile when it comes to baking with fruit. Like most citrus, it is high in Vitamin C, as well as potassium and Vitamin B6.

One of the latest health trends is drinking hot lemon water in the morning to maximize the nutritional benefits of the fruit. The simple flavoring can also tempt you to drink more water, as many Americans do not get enough hydration every day.

Lemons are also easy to work with when baking with fruit. The lemon bar is a quintessential item at most bake sales and for may is considered comfort food. Its simple assembly and delicious flavor make it a guaranteed hit and a classic. For a more unconventional twist on baking with lemons, make a batch of lemon cookies.

For a more savory option, try using lemons in your salads or chicken-based dishes. Lemon juice is also a great addition to dips and dressings to add an extra tangy profile and bring your creation to the next level.


When you buy fruit, do not skip over cherries as a versatile ingredient that can also be enjoyed on its own. Cherries contain a good deal of fiber, which is good for staying full and helps with digestion.

They are great for snacking and can be enjoyed with a quick washing. Surprisingly, the perfect time for eating some cherries is before bed because they may actually help you fall asleep and stay asleep. These tiny fruits contain melatonin.

For baking with fruit, you cannot go wrong with an easy cherry pie. The sweet and syrupy filling is sure to be a hit with anyone who loves flavorful fruit pies.

The flavor profile of cherries also goes well with chocolate. Add in cherry to a traditional chocolate flavor to give it a richer and more complex taste. Bring a traditional cherry cobbler up a notch by adding in chocolate.

Enjoy the Best Spring Seasonal Fruits

Whether you make baked goods or fruit platters, the abundance of spring season fruit means there is no shortage of fresh options. Buying fresh produce, seasonal produce and baking with fruit can be both easy and delicious.


Want to learn more about how to make good recipes and specialized baked goods? Contact us today for answers to all of your questions.

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