A staggering 70% of US households, or 98.4 million families, own at least a single pet. Pets are not only adorable, but they're also great company and make our households a lot livelier. In return, they only ask for a few belly rubs and a truckload of delicious treats. If you're like most pet owners, you won't mind feeding your furry friend a bite or two of your food. Pets love human food, but not all human food is good for pets. So what delectable human treats and snacks can you share with your pets without harming them?
Keep reading to find out.
Peanut Butter
Pets, especially dogs, will go nuts for peanut butter. They can lick the whole container clean if you forget to close the lid, and there's nothing wrong with that. Peanut butter, with natural ingredients, is an excellent source of protein for both humans and pets. It also contains vitamins B and E, plus a heap of healthy fats. So, the next time you're whipping up a peanut butter sandwich, be sure to whip one for your pet too.
Alternatively, you can give them a large scoop of the stuff to lick. Unsalted, raw peanut butter is the healthiest option, but maybe not the tastiest one. If you want to make your pet's peanut butter treat even more special, why not bake some peanut butter cookies for them or add a bit of sweet potato to their healthy treats?
Brownies and Cookies
We all love a good dessert, and so do our pets. However, you need to be mindful of the ingredients used, as some may not sit well with them. For example, raisins and chocolate can be toxic to dogs.
If you're baking some homemade brownies or cookies, you're better off using pet-friendly ingredients like oats. That way, you can definitely share them with your pet as long as you don't make them too sugary. An overload of sugar can lead to obesity and dental health problems.
Yogurt is a healthy and tasty treat for your pet. It's rich in protein, Vitamin D, and minerals like calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Yogurt also contains probiotics, which improve your and your pet's digestive and immune systems.
If you and your furry friend are on a diet, then you should get unsweetened yogurt without sugar and artificial sweeteners. However, if you're in it for the taste, don't be afraid to splurge on the not-so-healthy yogurt.
It's no surprise that pets love cheese; they're always fighting over it in cartoons. Cheese is loaded with proteins and essential minerals like calcium and probiotics. Low-fat options like cottage cheese are always a great choice for the health-conscious pet owner, especially for dogs with a sensitive stomach. Harder cheeses like Swiss, Gouda, and cheddar cheese are best for cats.
It's a good idea to gauge your pet's reactions to eating cheese before you feed them a lot of it. Some pets are allergic to cheese or are simply lactose intolerant. Feeding them cheese will do more harm than good no matter the quality treat you have.
Baby Carrots
Stepping away from dairy products, why not let your furry friend nibble on some healthy vegetables? Baby carrots are a good start because they're delicious, soft, and nutritious. Baby carrots are low in calories and contain tons of vitamin A to improve you and your pet's eyesight.
They're especially ideal for puppies and kittens who need something soft to chew on for their developing teeth. Feeding pups cold baby carrots, with their chewy texture, can ease discomfort when they're teething.
Green Beans
If your pup or cat is on the weightier side of the spectrum, then green beans are just what the vet ordered. These delicious treats are light on calories and heavy on nutrients. Green beans contain vitamins A, C, and K, plus a host of minerals like calcium, iron, and sodium.
Try mixing green beans with baby carrots to make a healthy salad you can enjoy with your furry friend. Wash it down with a bit of unsweetened yogurt to bring you and your pet closer to your fitness goals.
If you're having eggs for breakfast, it's only fair that you share them with your pet. Eggs are an easy-to-cook, nutrient-dense treat you can share with your pet. Not only are they rich in protein, but they're also easy to digest.
However, don't feed your pet too many eggs. That's because eggs are high in fat, and you could end up "blimping" up your furry friend. But a bacon egg and cheese on a biscuit goes a long way to making your pet love you forever!
The Best Treats For You and Your Pet
Treats are a great way to encourage good pet behavior and enhance training. At Sunflour Baking Company, we are the premier bakers in Charlotte and take pride in our fresh and authentic baked goods. Contact us today for delightful treats you can eat with your pet.
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